With a wealth of experience and success, our business consulting can help you start up or move your business to the next plateau.

The world changes. New opportunities appear all the time. Be ready when they happen.

Shows image of charts and graphs for business consulting page
– Photo courtesy of Lukas via Pexels

Starting a new company can be pretty daunting, as a lot has to happen in what seems to be an increasingly scarce amount of time. And when the business climate shifts, you need to be able to adjust deftly. The CYZL can bring business consulting and tools for you to quickly make the switch.

Lean Business Consulting

With a history of early-stage start-up experience, we can offer:

  • Business establishment services in LLC or incorporation, and local licenses
  • Investor pitches/presentations, including one-pagers, slide deck presentations and refinements
  • Angel/VC funding guidance
  • Intellectual property filings, including patents, trademarks and IP legal interactions
  • Retooling/rebranding/repositioning company for new addressable markets

Be ready to harness to next opportunity. Click on the “Free Consultation” link at the top and get started on locking down the vision for your business!